Fund Raiser....

Brand New Concept.... No more stale hoagies, melted candy, or other perishable items..

USTALKCHEAP... offers phone cards with great rates...

o Cards are priced to meet the needs of everyone: $1 Card= 10 minutes and a $5 Card=50 minutes.
o Fundraiser/Charity keeps 50% of all sales.
o Less paperwork and inventory.
o Convenient and easy to handle, No storage or refrigeration necessary.
o A box of 500 Calling cards fit into a 8" X 7" box. This is a lot easier to carry and store than 500 frozen pizzas or 500 hoagies.
o Makes the perfect gift that everyone can use.
o Easy to sell! Ideal for students going back to college, busy family members "on the go" and keeping in touch with relatives.
o Opens up your ability to increase sales. You are no longer restricted to your town or local neighborhood. "Long distance" Family and friends can now support the fundraiser/charity. Calling Cards are very easy to mail. Try shipping a hoagie or a pizza across the country.
o Offering true value in a rough economy.
o Great for youth camps and keeping in touch with children while they are away.
o Never spoils, always fresh. Do you really know who makes the hoagies or pizzas and how fresh are the ingredients?
o Many fundraiser products are priced too high, especially for our current economy. This Product is priced right. Get more minutes than MCI, AT&T, and Sprint. When calling intra state, (from city to city within your state) local phone companies are charging approximately 7 cents a minute. By using our calling card, you will be paying less than that. 10 day turn around. Once we receive your check for the cards, you will have your order in 10 days or less. Unlike the long turn around for hoagies or pizzas, how many people forget they even ordered something?

Former PIAA State Champion Dennis Atiyeh is the president and CEO...

Give Dennis a call at 610-266-3635 - Tell him Tom Elling and the PA Sports Beat guys sent you. or write him at:

USA Talk Cheap
Dept PFN
850 Third Street
Whitehall, PA 18052