SUSQUEHANNA UNIVERSITY WRESTLING ALUMNI REUNION during homecoming weekend on Saturday, September 20, 2003 in Selinsgrove, PA. The football game is at 1:30pm against Moravian College. We will meet in a conference room in the Degenstein Campus Center on campus from 5pm until 7pm or so. We will have a program (a welcome / introduction, Coach Kunes speaks, President Jay Lemons speaks, etc…). We will have beer and wine, appetizers, and posters with collages of pictures of wrestlers from the archives. Also, I will be designing a web page in an effort to preserve the tradition of SU wrestling that will be linked to the alumni page on SU’s website. So I would appreciate any information on the dual meet record, captains’ names, MAC placers, All Americans, and any interesting stories or anecdotes you may recall from each of the 30 years of SU wrestling. I would appreciate any help I can get with that research (an email would be great). The Alumni Relations Office will send out 3 mailings inviting SU wrestling alumni to the reunion, but we need to get the word out too. Please contact any former SU wrestlers you know, whether they wrestled one year or all four, and make sure they attend. I will have some nice sweatshirts and hats for sale (before the football game and at the gathering afterward) at cost so we can make a good impression at the football game. Reunion attendees also need to contact Shari Mangels (Director of Alumni Relations) and register with her so she’ll know how much food and drink to provide. She can be reached at:

Shari A. Trembulak '93 Mangels
Director of Alumni Relations
Susquehanna University
Selinsgrove Hall

514 University Avenue
Selinsgrove, PA 17870
570-372-2777 (fax)