District 4 Class AA  Southern Sectional   John Huckaby


103  - Adam Lynch, Mifflinburg, frosh, 23-9, maj dec. Joe Shrawver, West Snyder, soph, 23-6.
112 -  Kyle Stump, Danville, frosh, 22-6 maj dec. Eddie Plisiewicz, soph., Line Mountain, 15-8, 11-2.
119 - Kellon Balum, Line Mountain,  frosh, 29-2, maj dec. Nate Renard, soph., Middleburg, 23-8, 9-1.
125 -  Eric McAndrew, Mount Carmel, sr., 27-5, dec. Erik Smith,  Danville, soph., 26-5, 7-2.
130 - Jason Craig, Danville, jr., 26-5 dec. Andrew Derr, Shamokin, soph., 29-5, 2-1.
135 - Adam Wolfe, Lewisburg, sr., 24-5, dec. Scott Stahl, Mifflinburg, jr., 19-10, 4-2 OT.
140 - Christian Snook, Middleburg, jr., 26-2, pinned Matt Kline, jr., Shamokin, 25-5, 4:22.
145 - Brent Schrader, Middleburg, sr., 25-6, dec. Elliott Lyons, Mifflinburg, jr., 12-7, 7-2.
152 - Dan Shingara, Shamokin, sr, 27-3, pinned Shawn Crebs, Lewisburg, soph., 11-11, :41.
160 - Eric  Lapotsky,  Mount Carmel, soph., 14-3. Maj dec. Web Gray, Danville, sr., 27-4, 11-0.
171 - Nate Shirk, Middleburg, sr., 21-2, pinned Matt Narcavage, Mount Carmel, sr., 22-10, 1:14.
189 - Jeremy Wetzel, Shamokin,k sr., 11-4, pinned Kenny  Wert, Line Mountain sr., 8-1, 1:34.
215 - Joe Wisgo, Shamokin, jr., 19-13 pinned Ian Adrian, Lewisburg, soph., 8-14, 2:50.
275 - Bruce Earlston, Danville, sr., 27-5,pinned Jay Richards, Mifflinburg, jr., 19-12, :54.


Winner advances to district tournament
103 - Alexander, (D) maj dec. Sarfine (S), 12-2.
112 - Elliott (Mif), tech fall Evans (MC), 16-1, 4:17.
119 - Oberdorf (L) pinned Gajkowski (SC) 1:27.
125 - Burns (S) dec. Wright (WS), 1-0.
130 - Spotts (LM) pinned Gratti (SC), 4:19.
135 - Earlston (D) pinned Drauglais (MC) 2:48.
140 - Peachy, (Mif) dec. Aurand (D), 3-2.
145 - Thompson (S) maj dec. Schiel (SC), 10-2.
152 - Trego (WS) pinned Aloe (D), 2:15.
160 - Peiffer (SC) pinned Fultz, (WS), 4:47.
171 - Kramer (S) dec. Alexander (D) 5-2..
189 - Griffith (L) dec. Hummer (D) 10-4.
215 - Shadel (Mid) dec. Fernandez (D), 3-2.
275 - Hoagland (SC) pinned Gaugler (Mid), 1:35.

Note: Steven Troup, Mifflinburg,did not participate because of illness. He was runnerup in PIAA AA last year at 145. Would have gone at 152. Also Mifflinburg's Deken  Kline, regional champion last year at 189 did not compete becasue of knee injury and surgery.