The NTL had a great showing at the District4 tournament this weekend

,bringing home 25 place

winners with 22 of the 25 qualifying for the Regional tournament in

Williamsport this Friday.The NTL

came away with 5 Champions , 5 runner-ups , 3 3rd place finishes,3 4th

place finishers ,

6 5th place finishers and 3 6th place finishers.


                Place winners include:


                103: 2nd Matt Lee , Wyalusing


                112: 1st Matt Fisk , Wyalusing (this is Matts 2nd

District title)

                     5th Tyler Leljedal , Towanda


                119: 4th Mark Armstrong , Wyalusing

                     6th Barry Thrush , Athens


                125: 1st Zac Sheldon , Wyalusing (This is Zac's 2nd


                     2nd Matt Rockwell , Canton

                     3rd Sean Close , NEB


                130: 1st Ben Bolt , Mansfield (This is Mansfield's 1st

Dist. Champ!!)


                     5th Josh Knecht ,Athens


                135: 3rd Trevor Bennett , Athens

                     6th Jason Jackson , Liberty


                140: 2nd Chris Collum, Williamson

                     4th Ed Rosenberger, Athens

                     5th Don Barrett , Sayre


                145: 5th Cory Raupers , Athens


                152: 1st Mitch Webster , Towanda

                     4th Jordan Stiner , Canton


                160: 1st David Ausem , Towanda

                     3rd Stephen Laudermilch , NEB


                171: 2nd Aaron Raupers , Athens


                189: 5th Greg Schantz , Wyalusing


                215: 5th Nate Compton , Wellsboro

                     6th Joe Peterson , Wyalusing


                275: 2nd Mike Chatburn , Towanda


                   Team places and points


Place     School     Pts.          1st      2nd      3rd      4th     5th    6th    total 



   3rd     Wyalusing  106            2        1        0        1      1      1       6



   6th     Towanda     89.5          2       1        0        0       1      1       5



   8th     Athens      74.5          0       1        1        1        2      1       6



   15th    NEB         35            0       0        2        0        0      0       2



   16th    Canton      34            0       1        0        1        0      0       2



   18th    Mansfield   24            1       0        0        0        0      0       1



   19th    Williamson  20            0       1        0        0        0      0       1



   25th    Sayre       13            0        0       0        0        1      0       1



   27th    Wellsboro   10            0        0       0        0        1      0       1 



   29th    Liberty      7            0        0       0        0        0      1       1



    -      Troy         0            0        0       0        0        0      0       0





  I would like to CONGRATULATE Ben Bolt on becoming Mansfield's 1st

District Champion!!

 Congratulations to Bill Sexton on his induction into the District 4

Hall Of Fame!!

Some Quick Trivia.... Since 1992 Wyalusing has not gone a year without

having at least 1

District Champion!!

  I'm a little behind but Congratulations should go out to Zac Sheldon

(WY) and Trevor Bennett

(AT) for becoming 3 time Sectional Champions!!