PIAA State Wrestling Champions
- 1973-1938
Note: From 1938 to 1974, there was no separate
classifications as there are today.
The PIAA changed the weight classes in
1942, 1973, and 1989
Team champions were not determined until
98 | Ray Frantz | Cranberry | 10 | 95 | Paul Packer | Bald Eagle Area | 6 | |
105 | Dennis Zuk | Carlynton | 7 | 103 | Gib Fink | Tyrone | 6 | |
112 | Keith Nellis | Shaler | 7 | 112 | Rick Mahonski | Williamsport | 4 | |
119 | James Carr | Erie East | 10 | 120 | Henry Green | Huntingdon | 6 | |
126 | Pat Sculley | Bethlehem Catholic | 11 | 127 | Alan Housner | Mount Lebanon | 7 | |
132 | Eric Carr | Cumberland Valley | 3 | 133 | Dan Santoro | Saucon Valley | 11 | |
138 | Glenn Hall | McKeesport | 7 | 138 | Jim Bennett | Corry | 10 | |
145 | Allen Fisher | Bald Eagle Area | 6 | 145 | Dave Rodgers | North Allegheny | 7 | |
155 | Jerry White | West Branch | 6 | 154 | Ray Dallafore | Trinity | 7 | |
167 | George O'Korn | Canon-McMillan | 7 | 165 | George O' Korn | Canon-McMillan | 7 | |
185 | Don McCorkel | Hershey | 3 | 180 | Larry Suhey | State College | 6 | |
Hwt | Brad Benson | Altoona | 6 | Hwt | Chuck Coryea | Reynolds | 10 |
Penn State |
95 | Rocco Creazzo | Easton | 11 | 95 | Mickey Kenney | Greensburg-Salem | 7 | |
103 | Gib Fink | Tyrone | 6 | 103 | Dan Blankinger | Manheim Twp. | 3 | |
112 | George Bryant | Washington | 7 | 112 | Don Rohn | Saucon Valley | 11 | |
120 | Don Rohn | Saucon Valley | 11 | 120 | James Vockel | Mount Lebanon | 7 | |
127 | Rod Tate | Penn Highlands | 6 | 127 | Dan Colpo | North Allegheny | 7 | |
133 | Gary Walk | Montoursville | 4 | 133 | Dan Muthler | Jersey Shore | 4 | |
138 | Dan Muthler | Jersey Shore | 4 | 138 | Scott Miller | Trinity | 7 | |
145 | Don Kulp | Owen J. Roberts | 1 | 145 | Kevin Love | Carnegie | 7 | |
154 | Wes Schrader | Shamokin | 4 | 154 | John Chatman | Trinity | 7 | |
165 | Dan Brenneman | Hollidaysburg | 6 | 165 | Ted Bouyoucas | Mount Lebanon | 7 | |
180 | Larry Suhey | State College | 6 | 180 | Dick Hartman | Dallastown | 3 | |
Hwt | Woody Thompson | Erie East | 10 | Hwt | Duane Holler | North Allegheny | 7 |
Penn State |
Penn State |
95 | Tom Teagarden | McGuffey | 7 | 95 | Joe Bordell | Shamokin | 4 | |
103 | Richard Panella | New Castle | 7 | 103 | Ken Hess | West Snyder | 4 | |
112 | Carl Lutes | Easton | 11 | 112 | Dave Clark | Clearfield | 9 | |
120 | Les Peterson | Canon-McMillan | 7 | 120 | Norm Palovcsik | Clearfield | 9 | |
127 | Bill Luckenbaugh | West York | 3 | 127 | George Dugan | German Twp. | 7 | |
133 | Dan Howard | Allentown Dieruff | 11 | 133 | Craig Fox | Easton | 11 | |
138 | Kevin Love | Carnegie | 7 | 138 | Lynn Housner | Mount Lebanon | 7 | |
145 | George Myers | Dallastown | 3 | 145 | John Chatman | Trinity | 7 | |
154 | Wade Schalles | Hollidaysburg | 6 | 154 | Andy Matter | Upper Darby | 1 | |
165 | Robert Sacavage | Mount Carmel | 4 | 165 | Lewis Craig | Bald Eagle Area | 6 | |
180 | Rodney Smith | Mount Lebanon | 7 | 180 | Dan Newhard | Allentown Dieruff | 11 | |
Hwt | John Sprenkle | West York | 3 | Hwt | Karl Grinder | Manheim Central | 3 |
Penn State |
Penn State |
95 | Randy Biggs | Bethlehem | 11 | 95 | Richard Braymer | Saegertown | 10 | |
103 | Larry Strong | United | 6 | 103 | Art Grinnell | Commodore Perry | 10 | |
112 | Ed Osborne | Commodore Perry | 10 | 112 | Harry Weinhofer | Shamokin | 4 | |
120 | Ron Junko | Trinity | 7 | 120 | Larry Rippey | Lock Haven | 6 | |
127 | Larry Rippey | Lock Haven | 6 | 127 | Allen Uyeda | Conestoga Valley | 3 | |
133 | Barry Daniels | Bald Eagle Nittany | 6 | 133 | Clyde Frantz | Hughesville | 4 | |
138 | Clyde Frantz | Hughesville | 4 | 138 | Steve Paxson | Lansdowne-Aldan | 1 | |
145 | James Gollner | Reynolds | 10 | 145 | Terry Williams | Coatesville | 1 | |
154 | Bill Brunofsky | Waynesburg | 7 | 154 | Larry Nolen | Cumberland Valley | 3 | |
165 | Ted Swisher | Mount Lebanon | 7 | 165 | Jesse Rawls | John Harris | 3 | |
180 | Geoff Baum | Allentown Allen | 11 | 180 | Gary DiDomenico | Tyrone | 6 | |
Hwt | Dave Joyner | State College | 6 | Hwt | Pete Drehman | Abington | 1 |
Penn State |
Penn State |
95 | Bob Hallman | North Penn | 1 | 95 | Robert Flint | Hickory | 10 | |
103 | John Abajace | Trinity | 7 | 103 | Sherm Hostler | Newport | 3 | |
112 | Dana Luckenbaugh | West York | 3 | 112 | Keith Taylor | Hughesville | 4 | |
120 | Philip Detore | Greesnburg-Salem | 7 | 120 | Alan Goss | West Snyder | 4 | |
127 | Barry Souder | Mount Lebanon | 7 | 127 | Dave Halulko | Allentown Dieruff | 11 | |
133 | Dan Kohlhepp | DuBois | 9 | 133 | Ron Hamilton | Bedford | 5 | |
138 | Francis Michael | Wilkes-Barre GAR | 2 | 138 | Dave Spinda | Carnegie | 7 | |
145 | Charles Houser | Allentown Dieruff | 11 | 145 | George Cronrath | Warrior Run | 4 | |
154 | Paul Armstrong | Steelton-Highspire | 3 | 154 | Jim Blacksmith | Cedar Cliff | 3 | |
165 | Mike Gudiness | Mount Lebanon | 7 | 165 | Chuck Amato | Easton | 11 | |
180 | Joe Yerg | State College | 6 | 180 | Carl Carbonara | Uniontown | 7 | |
Hwt | Robert Funk | Manheim Twp. | 3 | UNL | Robert Funk | Manheim Twp. | 3 |
Penn State |
Penn State |
95 | William Welker | Shamokin | 4 | 95 | Alton Bowyer | Easton | 11 | |
103 | Greg McBride | Neshaminy | 1 | 103 | Tim McCall | Erie Strong Vincent | 10 | |
112 | Keith Taylor | Hughesville | 4 | 112 | Mickey Boudreau | Waynesburg | 7 | |
120 | Rich Stuyvesant | Greenville | 10 | 120 | Drew Bachman | Mount Lebanon | 7 | |
127 | Jerry Lattimore | Trinity | 7 | 127 | Bob Robbins | Greenville | 10 | |
132 | Robert Shriver | Waynesburg | 7 | 133 | Dick DeWalt | Easton | 11 | |
138 | Jere Herr | Penn Manor | 3 | 138 | Adam Waltz | Bald Eagle Nittany | 6 | |
145 | Jack Breon | Sugar Valley | 6 | 145 | Joe Eremus | Boiling Springs | 3 | |
154 | Jerry Seaman | McGuffey | 7 | 154 | Larry Karper | Boiling Springs | 3 | |
165 | Steve Sauve | Mechanicsburg | 3 | 165 | Chris McClain | State College | 6 | |
180 | Max Dinges | Penns Valley | 6 | 180 | Jerry Swope | Lock Haven | 6 | |
UNL | Walter Petkervich | Chartiers Valley | 7 | UNL | Jeff Richardson | Johnstown | 6 |
Penn State |
Penn State |
95 | Jerry Lattimore | Trinity | 7 | 95 | Bob Bell | Columbia | 3 | |
103 | Terry Wilson | Waynesburg | 7 | 103 | Terry Haise | Erie Strong Vincent | 10 | |
112 | Rick Kelvington | Trinity | 7 | 112 | Mike Johnson | Lock Haven | 6 | |
120 | Mike Johnson | Lock Haven | 6 | 120 | Jerry Twoey | Philipsburg-Osceola | 6 | |
127 | Rod Wentling | Greenville | 10 | 127 | Carl Frailey | Hughesville | 4 | |
133 | Lee Deitrick | Lock Haven | 6 | 133 | Doug Koch | Bethlehem | 11 | |
138 | John Eckenrode | Bethlehem | 11 | 138 | George Reese | Trinity | 7 | |
145 | John Dussling | Springfield (Delco) | 1 | 145 | John Carr | Hanover Twp. | 2 | |
154 | Bob Kopnisky | Shaler Twp. | 7 | 154 | Frank Eisenhower | Bald Eagle Nittany | 6 | |
165 | Gary Cook | Lock Haven | 6 | 165 | Lee Hall | Hughesville | 4 | |
180 | Jerry Swope | Lock Haven | 6 | 180 | Marshall Dauberman | Selinsgrove | 4 | |
UNL | James Nance | Indiana | 6 | UNL | James Nance | Indiana | 6 |
Penn State |
Penn State |
95 | Dick Rushatz | Allentown | 11 | 95 | Mike Johnson | Lock Haven | 6 | |
103 | Mike Johnson | Lock Haven | 6 | 103 | Don Hopkins | Trinity | 7 | |
112 | Art Maughan | Canonsburg | 7 | 112 | Dick Stauffer | Kingston | 2 | |
120 | Floyd Welker | Shamokin | 4 | 120 | Dick Tressler | State Tressler | 6 | |
1276 | Dick Tressler | State College | 6 | 127 | Bart Mosser | Bethlehem | 11 | |
1332 | Gene Tressler | State College | 6 | 133 | Earl Harris | Philipsburg-Osceola | 6 | |
138 | Bill Bonus | Trinity | 7 | 138 | John Byard | Waynesburg | 7 | |
145 | Frank Eisenhower | Bald Eagle Nittany | 6 | 145 | Phil Edmunds | Forty Fort | 2 | |
154 | Wayne Rider | Hughesville | 4 | 154 | Ron Pifer | Bellefonte | 6 | |
165 | Gene Dixon | Philipsburg-Osceola | 6 | 165 | Al Rushatz | Allentown | 11 | |
185 | George Azar | Johnstown | 6 | 185 | Ray Bazzoli | Chartiers-Houston | 7 |
Penn State |
Penn State |
95 | Ted Hill | Lock Haven | 6 | 95 | Maynard Aungst | Lock Haven | 6 | |
103 | Maynard Aungst | Lock Haven | 6 | 103 | Ron Myers | Philipsburg-Osceola | 6 | |
112 | Rodney Gibble | Manheim Central | 3 | 112 | Larry Lauchle | Muncy | 4 | |
120 | Ronald Silbaugh | Jefferson-Morgan | 7 | 120 | Dan Johnson | Clearfield | 9 | |
1276 | Russ Rohrbah | Allentown | 11 | 127 | Ralph Littleberry | Trinity | 7 | |
1332 | William Trexler | Allentown | 11 | 133 | John Barclay | Waynesburg | 7 | |
138 | Ron Pifer | Bellefonte | 6 | 138 | Ralph Clark | Clearfield | 9 | |
145 | Bob Marshall | Burgettstown | 7 | 145 | Veryl Long | Trinity | 7 | |
154 | Emery Morrison | Greenville | 10 | 154 | Russ Triponey | Clearfield | 9 | |
165 | John McCray | Johnstown | 6 | 165 | Art Baker | Erie Academy | 10 | |
185 | Art Baker | Erie Academy | 10 | 185 | Ronald Maltoney | Burgettstown | 7 |
Penn State |
Penn State |
95 | Robert Price | Chartiers Twp. | 7 | 95 | Bill Bane | Trinity | 7 | |
103 | Phil Bock | Philipsburg-Osceola | 6 | 103 | Francis Adams | Chartiers | 7 | |
112 | Roland Taggart | Trinity | 7 | 112 | Joe Shook | Trinity | 7 | |
120 | Tom Quinn | Shamokin | 4 | 120 | Harold Wilson | Nazareth | 11 | |
127 | Ralph Clark | Clearfield | 9 | 127 | Victor DeFelice | Canonsburg | 7 | |
133 | Steve Micio | Northampton | 11 | 133 | Jerry Ogurkis | Kingston | 2 | |
138 | Milton Brubaker | DuBois | 9 | 138 | Nick Petronka | Washington | 7 | |
145 | Bill Gallo | Trinity | 7 | 145 | Ollie Rudeen | Phillipsburg | 6 | |
154 | Ed Keglovits | Northampton | 11 | 154 | Dave Johnson | Lock Haven | 6 | |
165 | Bruce Gilmore | Reading | 3 | 165 | Dave Einsel | Shamokin | 4 | |
185 | Nick Dano | Canonsburg | 7 | 185 | Gene Smittle | Canonsburg | 7 |
Penn State |
Penn State |
95 | Phil Bock | Phillipsburg | 6 | 95 | Thomas Seiple | Greenville | 10 | |
103 | John McHugh | Cheltenham | 1 | 103 | Manuel Pihakis | Canonsburg | 7 | |
112 | Joe Shook | Trinity | 7 | 112 | Johnny Johnston | Clearfield | 9 | |
120 | Dean Seese | Clearfield | 9 | 120 | Edward Perry | Shaler Twp. | 7 | |
127 | Ken Moyer | Bellefonte | 6 | 127 | Ronald Kurtz | Waynesburg | 7 | |
133 | Nick Petronka | Washington | 7 | 133 | Samuel Marano | Clearfield | 9 | |
138 | Dave Adams | Bellefonte | 6 | 138 | Blair Walk | Tyrone | 6 | |
145 | John Evans | Plymouth | 2 | 145 | Thomas Diamond | Washington | 7 | |
154 | Robert DeFelice | Canonsburg | 7 | 154 | Edward DeWitt | Trinity | 7 | |
165 | William Thomas | Tyrone | 6 | 165 | Alex Skirpan | Carnegie | 7 | |
185 | Ormond Long | Wilkes-Barre Meyers | 185 | John Higgins | Waynesburg | 7 |
95 | Williams Hulings | Canonsburg | 7 | 95 | Manuel Pihakis | Canonsburg | 7 | |
103 | Manuel Pihakis | Canonsburg | 7 | 103 | Raymond Osborne | Forty Fort | 2 | |
112 | Edward Perry | Shaler Twp. | 7 | 112 | Bob Borelli | DuBois | 9 | |
120 | Dave Adams | Bellefonte | 6 | 120 | Kenneth Faust | Shamokin | 4 | |
127 | Kenneth Faust | Shamokin | 4 | 127 | Tom Musser | Bellefonte | 6 | |
133 | Carl Morgan | Kingston | 2 | 133 | Tom Welliver | Shamokin | 4 | |
138 | Tom Halford | Clearfield | 9 | 138 | Jerry Maurey | Clearfield | 9 | |
145 | Edward DeWitt | Chartiers Twp. | 7 | 145 | Joe Solomon | Canonsburg | 7 | |
154 | Andy Lentvorsky | State College | 6 | 154 | Don Haney | Canonsburg | 7 | |
165 | Bob Good | Phillipsburg | 6 | 165 | Tom Alberts | Waynesburg | 7 | |
185 | Bill Hoffman | Greensburg | 7 | 185 | Elwood Reese | Tyrone | 6 |
Lancaster, Pa. |
95 | Raymond Osborne | Forty Fort | 2 | 95 | Tom Riglin | Bellefonte | 6 | |
103 | Dick Rutt | Easton | 11 | 103 | Jerry Shervanick | Shamokin | 4 | |
112 | Joe Masullo | Bellefonte | 6 | 112 | Anthony Gizoni | Washington | 7 | |
120 | Tom Springer | Farrell | 7 | 120 | Jerry Maurey | Clearfield | 9 | |
127 | Jerry Maurey | Clearfield | 9 | 127 | Don Maurey | Clearfield | 9 | |
133 | Gus DeAugustino | Grove City | 10 | 133 | Robert Laurine | Washington | 7 | |
138 | Don Haney | Canonsburg | 7 | 138 | William Fillistine | Wilkes-Barre Meyers | 2 | |
145 | Ralph Schneider | Erie Academy | 10 | 145 | Alf Good | Phillipsburg | 6 | |
154 | Tom Alberts | Waynesburg | 7 | 154 | Julius Walter | Hollidaysburg | 6 | |
165 | Paul Miller | Wilkes-Barre Meyers | 2 | 165 | Wayne Cimino | Chartiers Twp. | 7 | |
185 | Werner Seel | Lansdowne | 1 | 185 | Lynn Illingsworth | State College | 6 |
Penn State |
95 | Dick Bainey | Phillipsburg | 6 | 95 | Anthony Gizoni | Washington | 7 | |
103 | Anthony Gizoni | Washington | 7 | 103 | Dave Thier | Kingston | 2 | |
112 | Jerry Maurey | Clearfield | 9 | 112 | George Lewis | Farrell | 7 | |
120 | Don Maurey | Clearfield | 9 | 120 | Don Maurey | Clearfield | 9 | |
127 | Richard Beers | Clearfield | 9 | 127 | Paul Swales | Clearfield | 9 | |
133 | Vic DeVito | Farrell | 7 | 133 | Stan Mousetis | Washington | 7 | |
138 | John McAuliffe | Allentown | 11 | 138 | Bruce Bogle | DuBois | 9 | |
145 | Mike Comitz | Phillipsburg | 6 | 145 | Achilles Mouganis | Farrell | 7 | |
154 | Charles Cope | Bethlehem | 11 | 154 | Don Thomas | Boswell | 5 | |
165 | Franklin Rich | Lock Haven | 6 | 165 | Bob Herbert | Forty Fort | 2 | |
185 | William George | Waynesburg | 7 | 185 | William George | Waynesburg | 7 |
Penn State |
Penn State |
95 | William DePaoli | Chartiers Twp. | 7 | 95 | George Lewis | Farrell | 7 | |
103 | George Lewis | Farrell | 7 | 103 | Leo Bhaerman | Forty Fort | 2 | |
112 | John Heacock | Bedford | 5 | 112 | Howdy Prizant | Farrell | 7 | |
120 | Robert Miller | Lancaster | 3 | 120 | Robert Schell | Dormont | 7 | |
127 | Robert Brabender | Erie Strong Vincent | 10 | 127 | Robert Shaffer | Clearfield | 9 | |
133 | William Brabender | Erie Strong Vincent | 10 | 133 | Robert Armstrong | Kingston | 2 | |
138 | James Maurey | Clearfield | 9 | 138 | Matthew Guzic | Waynesburg | 7 | |
145 | Laird Robertson | Haverford | 1 | 145 | John Dickson | Tyrone | 6 | |
154 | Don Thomas | Boswell | 5 | 154 | Vincent Finan | Kingston | 2 | |
165 | John Bralich | Farrell | 7 | 165 | John Mullins | Chartiers Twp. | 7 | |
185 | John Mullins | Chartiers Twp. | 7 | 185 | Robert Flath | Greensburg | 7 |
Penn State |
Penn State |
95 | William Thomson | Clearfield | 9 | 95 | James Mohney | Clearfield | 9 | |
103 | Harold Hill | Muncy | 4 | 103 | John Weixel | West View | 7 | |
112 | Jim Beers | Clearfield | 9 | 112 | James Conklin | Waynesburg | 7 | |
120 | James Conklin | Waynesburg | 7 | 120 | Steve DeAugustino | Grove City | 10 | |
127 | Matthew Gusic | Waynesburg | 7 | 127 | Byron Dugan | Muncy | 4 | |
133 | Tony George | Canonsburg | 7 | 133 | Elias George | Canonsburg | 7 | |
138 | Pat Krupper | Boswell | 5 | 138 | Maylon Kirkwood | DuBois | 9 | |
145 | Earl Fuller | Waynesburg | 7 | 145 | John Zukowski | Mount Carmel | 4 | |
154 | Jim Riss | DuBois | 9 | 154 | Charles McMullen | Clearfield | 9 | |
165 | Keith Moore | Waynesburg | 7 | 165 | Thomas Herbert | Forty Fort | 2 | |
185 | Homer Barr | Clearfield | 9 | 185 | George Young | Forty Fort | 2 |
Penn State |
Penn State |
85 | James Mohney | Clearfield | 9 | 85 | James Conkln | Waynesburg | 7 | |
95 | James Conklin | Waynesburg | 7 | 95 | Steve DeAugustino | Grove City | 10 | |
105 | Tom Gill | Kingston | 2 | 105 | Ed Draucker | Lock Haven | 6 | |
115 | Robert Bach | Forty Fort | 2 | 115 | George Custer | Canonsburg | 7 | |
125 | Jack Sullivan | DuBois | 9 | 125 | Tony Verga | Erie Academy | 10 | |
135 | Jerry Spence | Grove City | 10 | 135 | Peter Cicchine | Bethlehem | 11 | |
145 | Frank Shirey | Clearfield | 9 | 145 | Thomas Waters | Forty Fort | 2 | |
155 | Francis Forcey | Clearfield | 9 | 155 | William Unangst | Bethlehem | 11 | |
165 | Gilbert Johnson | Clearfield | 9 | 165 | Joe Tropp | Cheltenham | 1 | |
185 | Malvin Podrasky | Canonsburg | 7 | 185 | Malvin Podrasky | Canonsburg | 7 |
Penn State |
Penn State |
85 | Raymond Murdock | Waynesburg | 7 | 85 | Sam Harry | Clearfield | 9 | |
95 | Thomas Boggs | Cheltenham | 1 | 95 | George Custer | Canonsburg | 7 | |
105 | George Custer | Canonsburg | 7 | 105 | Sheridan Bannan | Clearfield | 9 | |
115 | Charles Ridenour | State College | 6 | 115 | Roland Scandle | Shamokin | 4 | |
125 | Andy Puchany | Canonsburg | 7 | 125 | Joe Quethera | Clearfield | 9 | |
135 | Thomas Jennings | Kingston | 2 | 135 | John Metzler | Greensburg | 7 | |
145 | Thomas Waters | Forty Fort | 2 | 145 | Harold Welker | Shamokin | 4 | |
155 | Edwin Rakocy | Mount Carmel | 4 | 155 | Dick DiBatista | Lower Merion | 1 | |
165 | Robert Bader | DuBois | 9 | 165 | Dick Brenneman | Pottsville | 11 | |
185 | John Bernardo | DuBois | 9 | 185 | Philip Ahwesh | Canonsburg | 7 |